13th International Conference on Bear Research and Management

May 21 - 25, 2001 Snow King Resort
Jackson Hole, Wyoming


All Times are tentative and subject to slight changes.

Sunday - May 20, 2001
Registration - 1300-1800

1500-1800 - IBA Council Meeting

1800-2000 - Social

Monday - May 21, 2001
Registration - All Day

800-0805 - Opening Remarks

0805-0810 - Presidents Address

0810-0825 - Historical Perspective

0825-0855 - Invited Paper - Chair - Sterling Miller

0855-0925 - Invited Paper

0925-0955 - Invited Paper

1030-1130 - Session 1 (DNA/Genetics) - Chair - Curt Strobeck (Tentative)

1300-1340 - Session 1 (Continued)

1340-1500 - Session 2 (Physiology/Evolution) Chair - Hank Harlow

1530-1610 - Session 2 (Continued)

1610-1730 - Session 3 (Food Habits) Chair - Michael Vaughn

1900-2100 - Workshop 1

1900-2100 - Workshop 2

Tuesday - May 22, 2001

0800-1000 - Session 4 (Conservation & Management) Chair - Chris Servheen

1030-1210 - Session 4 (Continued)

1330-1510 - Session 4 (Continued)

1530-1630 - Session 5 (Population Characteristics & Estimation) Chair - Rick Mace

1630-1830 - Formal Poster Session A

Wednesday - May 23, 2001


1400-1600 Workshop 3: Patterns in Life Program - Hunt & Manley

1430-1600 IBA Publications Committee Meeting

1600-1800 IBA Business Meeting

1900-2100 - Public Night - "Bears on the McNeil River" Polly Hessing

Thursday - May 24, 2001

0800-0920 - Session 5 (Continued)

0920-1000 - Session 6 (Life History) Chair - David L. Garshelis

1030-1150 - Session 6 (Life History) Continued

1310-1510 - Session 7 (Humans and Bears) Chair - Chuck Schwartz

1530-1650 - Session 7 (Continued)

1700-1830 - Formal Poster Session B

1900-2030 - Workshop 4

1900-2030 - Workshop 5

Friday - May 25, 2001

0800-1000 - Session 8 (Habitat Management/Issues) Chair- Kim Barber

1030-1230 - Session 8 (Habitat) Continued

1230-1250 - Closing Remarks

1330-1500 - New IBA Council Meeting

アイコンMany Japanese bear researchers will participate in this conference. Two of them have already registered to the poster session about the Japanese black bear of our country, Iwate prefecture. There are about 15,000 black bears in Japan. The black bear doesn't live in Hokkaido island. But the population of Hokkaido brown bear is about 2,000-3,000.

We think the population of black bear in Iwate prefecture is about 1,000. We have many human/bear conflicts every year. One old man was injured on April 19, 2001 in Iwate by a black bear. A wounded person by the bear is about 10 people every year in Iwate. There are
damage of the harvest, damage of the livestock, damage of the honeybee, and so on additionally, too. The government of Iwate did the research of the bear in 1998-2000. They published the report on this April in 2001. I guess they are the first local government that published the manual of re-location of Japanese black bear. And they'll research about population of black bear in 2001-2002.

アイコンYou can see some photographs of Japanese black bear.
アイコンYou can see some photographs of Grizzly bear and American black bear.


アイコンIBA (International Conference on Bear Research and Management)
アイコン17th International Conference on Bear Research and Management ( October 2nd -6th, 2006 Karuizawa Town, Nagano, Japan) June 6, 2005gif

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grizzly foot small
16-27-1 Teshiromori
Morioka, Iwate 020-0401
